...we go so HARD every day. the constructs of this world holds EVERY ONE OF US hostage (and plenty of us don't even know it). YES...life is hard. making a living is hard. living while black, brown and/or poor...is hard AND thru all of this "rough way of living" "of surviving" we must be okay with whatever evil is laid at our feet. Which is a hard pill to swallow.

SoFT SS'21 is my reaction to all the hate and lies,
the deception and lies,
the vicious-racist attacks and the LIES that are used for the cover-up.
it's a reaction to the theft, the abuse, the loss and the lies....that circle our world!!!!

...we go so HARD every day. the constructs of this world holds EVERY ONmnnE of us hostage (and al lot of u even know it). YES...life is hard. making a living is hard. living while black, brown and/or poor...is hard. and thru all of this "rough way of living" "of surviving" we must be okay with whatever evil is laid at our feet. Which is a hard pill to swallow. .
Photographer: Sadrea Muhammad (IG: @cre8ivejunkie1
Model: Chris DeLoatch (IG: @chrisdeloatchoffical)
Art Direction (Design Studio images): Terry Albert (IG: @tfourtwo)